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Are You Praying for Patience? God Gives Situations to Practice Patience!

Writer: Nancy WilliamsNancy Williams
time for patience
Waiting for patience

Have you ever prayed for more patience and then God gives you situations where you can practice patience? I have and boy, did I learn a valuable lesson that I will share with you!

At a time in my life, I was not very patient. I wanted things the way I wanted them and when I wanted them which never works in life or with people.

So, one morning before work, I prayed for patience and looked to have more as I completely expected God to work, and boy, did He! I walked into work, got my assignment, sat down at my desk, and promptly got interrupted. I got so angry! Then, I started laughing. Here, I had prayed for more patience and God gave me an immediate trial to practice patience. I failed.

As I began to reflect on what had transpired, I saw that I had an expectation of how my day was going to go and due to the interruption, it wasn't going as I expected which made me angry. The problem, I saw, was my expectation. My expectation of my work going the way I wanted/expected it to go was the reason for my impatience.

I started looking at the other expectations that I had of others and myself and saw that again, patience wasn't the expectations were.

The lesson? Let go of my expectations and accept reality. Accept what is and go with the flow, trusting God with my day and life. That doesn't mean that I don't ask for what I want but I'm open to the answer and how things go. Living this way is peaceful and a much better way to live!

I've copied some items that are found in the A Way of Life: Kingdom Principles for Living Victoriously book series, at These helped me and will hopefully help you if you decide to let go, let God, and live in peace.

Dependence on God:

a wheel depicting steps to dependence on God
Dependence on God

THE FLOW: (written by me)

The Holy Spirit dwells within you after you receive Christ as our Lord and Savior. Jesus said, “‘If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’ But this He spoke concerning the Spirit, whom those believing in Him would receive” (John 7:37-39). This flow is the movement of love and God’s Holy Spirit within you, directing and guiding your life as you listen to Him.

The flow is within me,

Yet I don’t follow.

I fear myself

That I will not trust myself

Enough to do what I hear.

Yet if I don’t do what I hear,

It is wrong.

What a backward way!

But I know if I go with The flow,

I will know.

The fear is I may not

Be able to control myself.

That I will fall hard, care hard, Love hard.

Is that so bad?

It can be so good!

So, what am I afraid of?

So, enjoy your journey of letting go of expectations, live in Dependence on God, and go with The Flow!

Enjoy the Journey,


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