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Building Bridges and Assuming Positive Intent

Writer: Nancy WilliamsNancy Williams logo with black circle and gold dots/stripes

How many of us struggle to communicate with others and avoid thinking negatively?

Especially when driving!

Sometimes, it's hard, and as Christians and ambassadors for Christ, how are we to be with others?

I've been training myself to ask, "What Would Jesus Do?" "What would Jesus say?" While this is good, is it the best way to respond?

Jesus calls us to die to ourselves and I've found that asking, "What Would Jesus Do?" is a little late. I'm already in the situation and now, get to stop and think of how to respond.

What if I could go into situations already prepared and live with heart attitudes that are on point most of the time?

I was at this point in my walk with Christ and looking at loving others as I love myself (Mark 12:30-31) and found two concepts that helped me as I sought God to create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me (Psalm 51:10).

These concepts are Assuming Positive Intent and Building Bridges. There are likely more concepts, but these are the ones that God pricked my heart with, so I figured, these are for me. Maybe they are for you, too?

green background with words talking about Assume Positive Intent

Let's start with Assuming Positive Intent. How easy is it to get exasperated with how long things take to get fixed in relationships and at work? I don't know about you, but I've had negative thoughts about this as I, key word, I, want to get things finished. And it's not about me! What about a misunderstanding with my spouse or friend? Do I go negative right away, and if so, why is that? Yes, there is a tendency to go negative for all of us, and why that is, is because we've grown up with about 40,000 noes to 2,000 yeses! That's 20 noes to 1 yes! More negative input than positive. AND, negative is remembered more than positive. It takes about 10 positive comments to combat and reverse 1 negative comment.

By assuming positive intent and fostering this heart attitude, I've found that the negative, while not all gone, has been SIGNIFICANTLY reduced! It feels good to have positive intent toward others, and this opens me up to what they have to say. Communication can flow, facts can be shared, and understanding can ensue. I can also tell that God is happy as I am following what He says in Philippians 4:8, "Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue, and if there is anything praiseworthy, meditate on these things" (NKJV).

Most importantly, I'm following God's instructions regarding how to treat myself and others, which is a great way to build bridges. To build bridges, I open myself up to hearing the other person and getting along with them or collaborating with them on a project. I've learned that for them to cross the bridge to me or I cross the bridge to them, I first get to assume positive intent. It would be harder to build a bridge being negative right off the bat.

bridge spanning two sides

These two concepts go together. But the question of the day is, will you incorporate the habit of assuming positive intent, which God talks about in Philippians 4:8?

I hope so! Let's work on this, together. Send me a chat if you plan on working on this with the Holy Spirit and may God bless your efforts!

Blessings to you,


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